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Manuals are used to assist in planning, administering, and completing the CMAS assessments, including CoAlt science. They contain administration policies, procedures, forms, and scripts.

CMAS Test Administrator Manuals and Spanish Scripts

The CMAS Test Administrator Manuals (TAMs) provide instructions necessary for computer-based (CBT) and paper-based (PBT) testing. The TAMs contain test security and administration protocols for Test Administrators to follow before, during, and after testing. The administration scripts (SAY directions) that are read aloud to students from the TAM are also available in Spanish.

CoAlt Test Administrator Manual

The CoAlt Test Administrator Manual provides instructions for administering the CoAlt science assessments, including scoring procedures and before, during, and after testing tasks for the Test Administrator.

PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide

The online user guides provides instructions for test administration duties, from ordering materials and submitting student data to setting up online tests and viewing student results.

Note: Some features displayed in the User Guide are not available in the Colorado instance of PearsonAccessnext

PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide