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CMAS (all content areas) and CoAlt (science and social studies) data files are used to update data through a file import process in PearsonAccessnext or to provide reporting results to districts and schools.

PearsonAccessnext File Layouts

Use of the following files allow PearsonAccessnext users to update multiple records at once. Use of files is optional as users may also update records one-by-one through the PearsonAccessnext system. Only users granted appropriate permissions by their district can make the updates described below using files or the PearsonAccessnext system.

Student Registration/Personal Needs Profile (SR/PNP) Field Definitions and File Layout

CDE initially loads student records into PearsonAccessnext using October Count data. The SR/PNP is used during the initial registration/ordering window to register new students, update student test assignments and testing format (i.e., online or paper), and indicate the need for special forms and materials (e.g., large print, braille, auditory/signed presentation scripts) for initial orders. Changes made after the initial orders window closes do not generate shipment of materials.

Student Test Update (STU) Field Definitions and File Layout

The STU is used to update student demographic data including invalidation coding through the end of the PearsonAccessnext data clean-up window.

Enrollment Transfer File Field Definitions and File Layout

The Enrollment Transfer file is used to move student test registrations for the current administration year between organizations. Use this file to request the transfer of records for students who are new to the district and to approve requests for students who moved out of the district.

User File Field Definitions and File Layout

District and School Assessment Coordinators use the User file to create new PearsonAccessnext user accounts and update existing user accounts.

Session Create/Move Field Definitions and File Layout

The Session Create/Move File is used to create online test sessions for students or move students in existing test sessions to different sessions. Users can export student test data, update the file with session information, and import the updated file to add/move corresponding tests into online test sessions.

Reporting File Layouts

Student Data File (SDF) Field Definitions and File Layout

The SDF includes demographic and performance data for each student assessment record.

Summary Data File Field Definitions and File Layout

The Summary Data File includes all aggregated performance results used for reporting.